Association for Mormon Letters

The Association for Mormon Letters (AML) is a nonprofit founded in 1976 to promote quality writing "by, for, and about Mormons."[1] The broadness of this definition of Mormon literature has led the AML to focus on a wide variety of work that has sometimes been neglected in the Mormon community. The AML sponsors an annual scholarly symposium and publishes the papers presented there in the AML Annual. The AML has also sponsored writers' conferences.

The AML sponsors AML-List, an e-mail list for the discussion of Mormon literature. Over the years, list subscribers have posted reviews of thousands of Mormon books, films, and other artistic works.[2][3] Besides the Annual, The AML also publishes the literary journal Irreantum.


See full article: AML Awards

Since 1977, the AML has given awards to the best work "by, for, and about Mormons." When the Whitney Awards were begun in 2008 (honoring 2007 work), many saw them as a populist reaction against the more academic AML Awards.[4][5]

The award categories vary from year to year depending on what the AML decides is worthy of honor.


External links